Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wishing you...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
If Santa Is Late...
He stands at just under four inches tall.
His job is to collect any decorations that fall to the floor in his house unnoticed. The humans he lives with don't even know he exists!
He found this bell in the corner behind a dust bunny.
Tolley doesn't live in a house at all.
He lives outside, where the recent inclement weather has forced him to come up with a unique solution to staying dry.
Who knew that oak leaves were multi-purpose? Lucky for him that he is only 3 inches high!
Until next time, happy holiday memories in the making! See you all next year.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy Solstice to All!
That wonderful texture and subtle warmth just lends itself to winter work.
Have a wonderful winter. I should have pictures of new work by Wednesday!
Until next time, happy shortest day of the year!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Another difference between boys and girls...
(Disclaimer: Yes, I know that there are boys who are tidy and make cute cookies and there are girls who would make scary ones. I just thought this was funny.)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Goodbye Elephant!
Because he needs to go to his new home, I had to take the photos today and I just didn't have much time to make the photos flawless.
The lighting was horrid, the area I use for staging is covered with WIP' all know the holiday routine! Que sera sera.
This is the best I could do in the time that I had.
This little guy is joining a Bichon I finished previously and they will be off to their new home today as well.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
More Holiday Kitsch
This is one of the "babies" in a set that I purchased from a lovely man on eBay. He took the time to share the story behind them. His family had them in the 1940's when we were in the thick of WWII. Because they were from Japan, they weren't "supposed" to have them out on the tree.
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my things! Until next time, happy merry making!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Merry Kitschmas!
I'll post more of my Kitschmas items tomorrow.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
He is made of polymer clay over a wire armature. Ingwerplatzchen was hand painted.
He has Tibetan lamb's wool hair, inset glass eyes, applied eyelashes, and his own set of needle felted clothes.
He carries an acorn.
It just sort of went with his outfit.
Instead, he works outside, helping Mother Nature keep things in balance.
There is a little more "flow" and a little less hurry.
I hope you like him. He was a joy to make.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Can't Wait to Post...

I think he is very sweet, which is unusual for me. Often, I am so focused on what didn't come out exactly as I wanted it to that I have a hard time getting around to loving the finished piece as a whole. I know, I know...I'm working on it!
Just a few more days...I think I can make myself wait.
He goes off to his new home tomorrow. This is one of those pieces where it will be hard to let him go. Bittersweet bubble wrapping, I guess. He just seems so cozy here next to the bottle brush Christmas tree.
Hope everyone has a productive week. I need to finish up the other Bichon and a few other critters today. Hope I can find the time to get it all done!
Until next time, happy post holiday health!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wooly WIPs
I ordered some Leiscester and Wendslydale locks, which, once deconstructed, worked perfectly for the Bichon's external layer. Much more realistic. I still need to clean up the loose fibers and add the long, straight hairs to the tail.
I have been getting lots of dog orders for Christmas. I still have another Bichon, a schnoodle, a pug, a daschund and some cockers to put together. Luckily, I haven't had too many 'repeat breed' orders, so each experience has something new to teach me.
Yes, I KNOW that doing the same dog over and over would make it 'easier'. But problem solving is half of the fun of creating, don't you think?
Now here is the catch...I keep hearing that I need to focus on ONE style in order to have product recognition. My response is WAHHHHHHHH!
My wool style is very different from my clay sculpting style which looks nothing like my fabric style.
And, no, I can't seem to give up the other mediums to focus on just one. Each thing I do fulfills a different craving for me.
What's a gal to do?
Well, I'm off to finish up some more holiday paperclay. Then I have out the sewing machine to make some teeny, tiny replica dolls a la Walker. I may even add clay to the cloth dolls!
Hey! If I add wool hair, all my passions can be in one place! Woot!
Until next time, happy dabbling!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wherefore Art Thou, Light?
Here is what I have, bad lighting and all. I still think she is sweet.
This was the first time I used Liquid Sculpey. I used it to coat her wings and then baked makes them seem more translucent and realistic, I think. I can't wait to see what other applications I can find for this interesting substance.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Visual Quickie
Or maybe not. Perhaps he is just lost in thought.
I have lots of other items going right now (had to move to the kitchen so I had access to running water), but many are "secret" gifts, so I can't post them.
I have quite a few commission pieces in progress, too, but I don't like to post them as WIPs because I don't want any nervous customers. What a piece looks like in the early stages is VERY different from the finished work.
I don't want to scare anyone off!
I am amazed at how difficult it is to get things done around here. I remember when my husband and I decided that I would be staying home with the kids and he would be going back to full time work. I just KNEW I was going to have tons of time to get things done.
When I told him this, he just smiled.
I am ORGANIZED, I said. I am going to be DISCIPLINED, I said.
Well, I am both, but I still manage to struggle to get things done in a timely manner. Life gets in the way sometimes, but I suppose that detours can take us into new places that we have never gone before.
Life is good and full of rich experiences.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I Won One and I Swapped One

Aren't these pieces great?
The first came from Sonia at Dark Raven's Nest. Sonia and I participated in a Monster Under the Bed swap and here is her doll.
This doll is a part of a special series of dolls that Sonia created. Her name is Mary Anne Nichols (aka Polly). She was one of the victims of Jack the Ripper. Her eyes are so haunting! You have to see her in person to "get" how truly riveting this piece is.
This next piece was mailed to me from MarZel at Dark Artists' Guild. It is a Ghost Geisha. Very, very cool. We already have a special place planned for her on next Halloween.
Until next time, happy new experiences.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Here He Is!
He might be a multi-holiday piece.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A Big Load 'O' Nothing
I know...I should look at this as a great opportunity to practice patience and to learn something new that might be helpful later on, but right now I am choosing to stew in my own juices for a bit. Petty? Yep. Selfish? Sure! Why? I just feel like having a little snit. I do that every so often. (No one else is here, so it mainly just impacts the cat. She seems fine with it, really. She is pretty unflappable.)
I AM, however, sending good thoughts out to everyone else. I am hopeful that mustering a little positivity will drag me out of the place of my artistic mental block. Perhaps the art gods will look upon me with favor.
Happy Sunday to all! Until next time, happy snits.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Paperclay Song
Maybe two.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Fingernails and Part of a Toothpick
This one may end up as a little troll once I get a chance to really refine him. Not too bad for working in horrible light, on my lap, and with my roughed up man-paws.
What are man-paws, you might ask?
Well, man-paws are what you get when you a) don't own a dishwasher and b) work with clay.
The dishes are self-explanatory. Hungry kids=messy dishes three times a day (at least). I am sort of a freak about germs and stuck on food, too, so the water I use is at such a temperature that it would probably remove skin from most normal people's hands.
I, on the other hand, have man-paws. Rough, thick-skinned, abnormally tough hands. Hands that are impervious to pain, heat, and have a texture akin to shoe leather.
Why no gloves, one might ask? Because if I wore gloves I wouldn't be able to feel any microscopic bits that might possibly still be left on the plates.
(I know, I know. FREAK!)
I keep waiting for my husband to give me a new little nickname. Like Frank or Chuck. It must be like holding hands with a mechanic. (Ignore this crooked photo, please. Or tilt your head until it appears correctly rotated. It kept getting wonky during my uploads and I am lacking patience today. *eye roll*)
Working with clay has become a hand issue, too, because I am constantly washing my hands or using alcohol wipes to get rid of residue. Not the most gentle thing to do to one's hands. (Don't even get me STARTED about wet-felting! Oy! So chafe-y!)
Its sort of a catch 22. It is easier to work with clay when one has nice smooth hands, but in working with the clay I find myself washing and degreasing and get the picture. Very drying and not conducive to soft, lovely hand model-ish hands.
At least I have nicer hands than THIS guy.
This little thing may end up a root baby. We'll see if I still like it once I give it some eyes. If not, back into a little green blob of clay he goes.
Thanks for popping by! Until next time, happy moisturizing!