Why is it that, on days upon which it is imperative that I be able to take photographs, the light always s-t-i-n-k-s?
Since photography is not truly my calling, I am not that picky, but poor photographs can make any doll *sigh* with drab, under-saturated colors. Oy!
Yes, I KNOW that I can use editing software to perk things up, but I try not to do that as much as is possible. I want my work to stand on it's own, unadulterated and honest. I find that items that are too "shopped" end up being a bit weaker in the long run. People want to see a true representation of what they will be receiving.
(I will 'shop' the heck out of photos of ME of course. It's OK because my husband got to see me in person and was able to witness all the sags, bags and wonky parts in person before he made his purchase. I have no sympathy for him. Buyer's remorse, shmuyer's remorse.)
Here is what I have, bad lighting and all. I still think she is sweet.
This piece was very self indulgent for me in that I didn't have a firm plan on what I expected the outcome to be. No sketches, not too much preliminary planning. Total flow. I love moving through the process of making something new with zero judgement. Very liberating.

Here is a back/side view. Her block has text from "Let It Snow" on it. Pretty appropriate, since she is sitting in snow.

This is a full back view showing off her wings.
This was the first time I used Liquid
Sculpey. I used it to coat her wings and then baked them....it makes them seem more
translucent and realistic, I think. I can't wait to see what other applications I can find for this interesting substance.
It is super stinky, though, so if you try it, open some windows and pray that the non-toxic label they put on it is accurate!
I love new products! So many possibilities!
Until next time, happy creative flow.