Friday, March 6, 2009

Parks, kites, and a better day

What a beautiful day. The wind was blowing JUST right, it was about 62 degrees and the sun was out. Big billowy clouds dotted the skies and I felt I just had to be outside. My plum tree is in full bloom, buzzing with bees, though I don't think as many bees as last year. (I had to make 4 batches of plum jam last year!)

Isn't the color of the bark amazing in the back lighting? It is a really vibrant magenta hue. I had never noticed this in the previous years. Maybe I wasn't looking...too much thinking, not enough noticing? Could be! It wouldn't be the first time.

As luck would have it, the kids were out of school early today and thought a picnic sounded like a fine idea. My youngest and I had anticipated the positive response and arrived to get the older two with sandwiches, fruit and drinks in our beat up Trader Joe's bag. (I swear, I couldn't live without those bags. Especially the canvas ones.)

Off we went to the park. Not just any park, but the one with the giant pumpkin carriages, like something straight out of Cinderella. Even I can't resist getting into a pumpkin carriage.

A quick bite, a look at the progress reports that came home today (good progress was made, luckily) and then KITES!

My youngest one had never actually flown a kite. He had tried a few times last year, but it seemed that we never had the kite in the car on the really good windy days. I tried to be more proactive this year.

The wind was perfect. I could launch the kite without having to run. The breeze just grabbed it and up up up it went. It is a darling little kite shaped like a colorful, stylized owl with really long chartreuse tails that flutter and flick in the breeze.

Everyone had a turn. The flying styles are as unique as the kids. My daughter grabbed it and jumped in with both feet. No deliberating. No checking wind direction. I guess you could call it intuitive kite flying. Either that or interpretive, as there was much spinning and leaping as well. My older son, in contrast, found the wind direction, rewound the string, untangled the tails, and took a run, just to make sure that things would go properly. He is more like his dad, who is responsible for everything sane and organized in our lives. The youngest one, the most excited one, burned bright, felt what it was all about, and quickly had his fill.

Me? I was happy just to feel that glorious air on my skin. It was positively luxurious. Ahhhh!

Look at what I found! I can't remember what it is, but I was worried I had killed it off last year. Apparently not, as here it is, blossoming, no less. Yay! I love the foliage. Very unique.

I came home to work a bit on some new brownies/pixies and I have a request for some squirrels that I need to get started. Maybe I'll put a brownie on a squirrel. That would be a hoot!

Thanks for popping by! I'll post my new items before the end of the weekend!

Until next time, happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. You made me laugh! I love that you cant remember what the plant is. I think a Brownie on a squirrel would be great. I love the snail riders.
    We have had some real pretty days for play lately it has been nice to get outside more. ( my son is 17 so he wont go play but I go play with the dogs. ) :)

    Happy Felting
